New “Poop Pill” Could Help Infection Victims: Scientists say a "poop pill" - a capsule that contains fecal microbes from a family member - may hold the key to healing an infection that kills 14,000 Americans and sickens more than a half-million each year. Geez, as if most of us don’t already take enough crap from our families, now someone invented a pill for that?
Self-Doubt Also Found in Animal Kingdom: Humans aren't the only animals filled with self-doubt as a recent study found that monkeys often question their own thinking as well. Yea, like “what the hell was I thinking when I volunteered for that UCLA castration study?”
Selling More Than Just Donuts and Coffee: A 29-year-old woman working the night shift at Dunkin’ Donuts faces prostitution charges for allegedly taking breaks from selling donuts and coffee to provide sexual services in exchange for money. Yea, probably not the smartest idea, considering most of your customers are gonna be cops.
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