CIA Director Mike Pompeo Met Secretly With Kim Jong-un: The Washington Post is re[porting that CIA Director Mike Pompeo secretly met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un over the Easter weekend. Now about the only question that remains to be answered is - can they convince Kim to agree to offer Trump asylum after the Mueller investigation closes in?
Starbucks to Close All Stores in May for Racial Bias Training: Starbucks announced it will close all 8,000 of its US stores for the afternoon of May 29th, while it conducts what it called “racial bias training” in light of the recent arrest of two black men who were waiting in one the coffee giant’s Philadelphia locations. Hell, Starbucks employees don’t need no stinking training. They appear to be pretty damn good at racial bias already.
Scientists Say Meteorite Filled with Diamonds are From Lost Planet: Scientists say diamonds found inside a meteorite have revealed the story of a “lost planet,” dating back to the era when our solar system was first formed. Come on, a lost planet? Now just how the hell do you lose a planet and why does it have to be the one full off diamonds? One thing’s for sure, this just goes to show how wealthy those aliens are - if they can afford to throw diamonds at us!
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