Hawaii Volcano Raises Eruption Concerns Along West Coast: The eruption of the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island has geologists also keeping a weary eye on the thirteen volcanic peaks on America's West Coast that are part of the geologically active Pacific “Ring of Fire” region.
No kidding - I’m reminded of the poignant words of caution from one of the 20th century’s most prominent singer/songwriter/geologists - “and it burns, burns, burns - the Ring of Fire…” In fact, a team of noted seismologists just announced they will soon scour the lyrics of other Johnny Cash songs, looking for hints of other possible potentially dangerous geological activity in them.
Personally, I’m not too worried myself because I’ve always made it a point to avoid living on or near anything that tends to spew out hot, molten lava - but that’s just me and I never try and push that off on others. Meanwhile, some argue that volcanoes are the last thing we on the West Coast need to be worrying about, especially when you consider the Kardashians are breeding like rats.
And while I’m no geologist, its my humble opinion that none of these volcanos would have ever posed a serious threat had President Trump not made the decision to pull out of the “Volcano Eruption Agreement” Obama negotiated.
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