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Some Suspect Earth’s Magnetic Poles About to Flip

Some Suspect Earth’s Magnetic Poles About to Flip:  A new theory being proposed is that the Earth’s magnetic poles may be about to flip for the first time in 786,000 years.  Scientists say that even if it does happen, humans should be OK overall - but birds who typically migrate using magnetic guidance may now be forced to download the Waze app in order to navigate their way past Cleveland every summer.  Otherwise, about the only other thing people will notice is that they’ll now need to place the batteries into their electronic devices backwards.

Last Ice Age Affected Breastfeeding in Native Americans:  Scientists at UC Berkeley say that the last ice age may have caused a genetic mutation in Native Americans which causes the breasts to provide more fat and vitamin D to infants.  So I’m guessing before that, the only thing available in breastfeeding was either 2% or skim milk? 

Ikea Elk Lasagna Tests Positive for Pork:  Swedish retailer Ikea has been forced to stop sales of its elk-meat lasagna in stores after testing showed that the elk lasagna also contained pork.  OK, but two questions come to mind.  First, who the hell eats “elk-meat lasagna” and secondly, who buys their food at Ikea?


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