Teen Jogger Detained 2 Weeks After Accidentally Crossing Into U.S: A teenager, out for a beachside run in Canada, was detained for a full two weeks by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers after she accidentally entered the US and stopped to snap a photo while jogging.
I guess she must have not seen the "Welcome to the United States" sign. Thank God Trump’s crack Border Patrol was on the job! The last thing this country needs is to be overrun by a bunch of Canadian joggers. And you can just bet Justin Trudeau isn’t sending us his best joggers either. Border Patrol agents say it didn’t take a genius to figure out she wasn’t from the US - Americans don’t exercise.
Anyway, arresting and housing her for two weeks was money well spent to keep America safe. On the other hand, some may argue that just because we signed a treaty with North Korea - doesn’t mean we have to become North Korea. Yea - well, people need to realize there are some just some countries you don’t wanna accidentally wander into - you know, like Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea and Donald Trump’s America.
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