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Scientists Discover First Known Plant-Eating Shark

Scientists Discover First Known Plant-Eating Shark:  Researchers at UC Irvine and Florida International University have confirmed that the bonnethead shark is the world’s first known omnivore shark - one that prefers eating both plants and meat.  OK, so they found a shark who happens to enjoy a little side salad when it eats a surfer.  What’s the deal?

Woman Gets Rare Case of Hairy Black Tongue From Antibiotic:  While recovering in a hospital after a serious car accident, a 55-year-old Missouri woman began complaining of nausea and a bad taste in her mouth.  Upon examination, doctors found she had a rare case of a condition called “black hairy tongue” - thought to be a side effect of the antibiotic minocycline.  Come on now, this can’t be a real condition!  This study has be just tongue-in-cheek. 

Group Debates How to Deal With Earth Bound Object Alerts:  Experts say they’ve begun what could be considered contentious debates over how to deal with the uncertainties, misunderstandings and political wrangling sparked by alerts over dangerous objects that appear to be on a collision course with Earth.  Conferees say so far the discussion has remained civil and no one has made a complete astroid out of themselves.


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