Trump Urged Spain to Build Wall Across the Sahara Desert: Spain’s foreign minister revealed that US President Donald Trump suggested the Spanish government tackle the Mediterranean migration crisis by emulating one of his most famous proclamations of building a wall - suggesting that Spain build a wall across the Sahara desert.
Gee, I must have missed that memo. When the hell did the Sahara Desert get moved to Spain? Wonder if he realizes there’s this great big body of water they call the Mediterranean Sea sitting between Europe and North Africa? Of course, in all fairness, I’m sure he just assumes Spain is a suburb of Mexico. I mean, if he can’t even read words, how’s he supposed to read a map?
But come on - a fence stretching all the way across the Sahara desert would need to be nearly 3000 miles long. Good grief, a structure that big could easily be seen by the dedicated cadre of our Space Force serving way up there in outer space.
But what I find interesting is how he thinks that if the largest desert in the entire world doesn’t stop immigrants from coming, then some man-made wall will turn them away. I think the Moon’s gotta be more hospitable. One thing’s for sure, it should be quite interesting watching poor Sarah Sanders try and explain this one.
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