Federal Judge in Texas Rules Entire Obamacare Law Unconstitutional: In response to Republican challenges and recent changes in federal tax law, a federal judge in Texas ruled that the entire Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) law is unconstitutional - a ruling which could leave millions uninsured as well as those with pre-existing conditions uninsurable.
Wow, sounds like that judge really learned how to interpret the law while he was at Trump University. But not to worry, the President is promising the nation that Republicans will eventually try and come up with some kind of an alternate plan and - “Mexico is gonna pay for it!” What a relief!
Now I’ve gotta hand it to Trump and the Republicans, what a genius move to cut off millions of people’s health care without having a replacement. Under their expert guidance, it appears that barbarians, cannibals and self-serving swine will be about all that’s left in America after Trump and the GOP are finished with us.
But in the meantime, the Administration has compassionately agreed to send out First Lady Melania Trump - all dressed up in the latest trendy fashions - to visit key American cities to remind everyone how important it is now that their healthcare coverage is about to disappear faster than Trump’s attention span, to “try their best to avoid getting sick.”
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