New Report Outlines Massive Russian Disinformation: A new Senate report provides the most sweeping analysis yet of Russia’s disinformation campaign around the 2016 election - finding the operation used every major social media platform to deliver words, images and videos tailored to voters’ interests to help elect President Trump and other Republicans - and then worked even harder to support him while in office. No kidding - hell, it’s getting to the point where - when you see an (R) next to a politician’s name, it now means “Russian.”
Putin Says Rap Music Should be Directed and Controlled: As more and more Russian youth embrace the genre, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Russian leaders that if rap music is impossible to stop, then cultural leaders must devise a way of “directing” the rap music, rather than banning it outright. What fun - I can’t imagine anything more entertaining for Russian young people than listening to music which has essentially been directed and arranged by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. I mean, just the thought of a rap song accompanied by accordion or balalaika music is beyond description.
Obama Knocks Rutherford B. Hayes’ Failure to Embrace Technology: During a recent speech criticizing the current administration’s refusal to embrace green technology, former President Barack Obama pointed out that “President Rutherford B. Hayes’ refusal to use the telephone probably accounts for why he’s not on Mount Rushmore.” Well, I’ll be damned! I had no idea they even had phone service on Mount Rushmore back those days.
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