Evangelical Group to Spend $50M on Get-Out-the-Vote Efforts: Veteran conservative activist Ralph Reed said the faith-based Faith & Freedom Coalition he leads, plans to spend at least $50 million on “get-out-the-vote” efforts during the 2020 presidential election.
I suppose my first question would be, what type of faith has 50 million bucks - to donate to politics? Especially, when everyone knows most of that money will go directly to help some guy who’s already rich - get reelected? Guess the Lord is still working in mysterious ways - eh?
Now, of course, all those bleeding heart liberals are gonna complain that Christians ought to be spending their parishioners contributions to help people like the poor, the destitute and homeless veterans. Now let’s get real people! Who, in their right mind, is gonna give that kinda dough to the poor? Haha - now that’s a good one!
I mean, do the poor have mounting bills for upkeep on their yachts and private jets like Donald Trump and Paul Manafort do? Of course not! Besides, its common knowledge (at least in Republican circles), that Jesus Christ himself spent one helluva lot of his time raising millions of Shekels for Pontius Pilate’s re-election.
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