Putin Claims Impeachment Case Against Trump is Fabricated: Speaking at his annual year-end news conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that U.S. Democrats had impeached President Donald Trump for "fabricated" reasons,” in an effort to reverse Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory.
Now, before you laugh, perhaps you'd better ask yourself “who really understands what actually went down in our 2016 elections better than Vladimir Putin?” And now, an extremely grateful President Putin is speaking up for all those good folks who’s votes helped elect both he and Donald J. Trump as your President.
Why, Trump and Putin are so tight, I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t fly right over here and testify at the upcoming senate hearings - as a Trump character witness. Why, he’d be welcomed like a rockstar by Republicans.
After all, it’s pretty obvious what a close bond there is between Putin and Trump. You know, a bond not unlike the one we all had with those sleepover pals of ours when we were young kids.
And, like those old sleepover pals, Trump just loves to share all our deepest secrets with best pal Vladimir. So much so, that Putin soon realized, why bother hacking Hillary's emails - when you can just ask Donald Trump?
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