White House Directs Federal Agencies to Cancel Race-Related Training: President Trump is directing all federal agencies to cease and desist using taxpayer dollars for “racial sensitivity training,” which the President describes as “divisive” and “un-American.”
What the hell? So, I guess Trump, in his effort to make us all forget about his disdain for American soldiers, has decided to go full-on KKK. Hell, if anyone needs racial sensitivity training, it’s certainly Donald J. Trump. One thing’s for sure, all pretense has now been dropped. This is nothing short of full-on white nationalist stuff folks.
Now, I realize that many people also believe Trump is lazy, but this proves that behind the scenes, our President has been busy working his “white hood” off - trying to implement his race agenda. Mark my words, expect sexual harassment training to be the next to go, replaced by “how-to” classes - and taught by Donald J. Trump himself.
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