Pastor Claims Christians Who Criticize the President Are Angering God: Pastor Robert Henderson, a man who proudly declared that his prayers were responsible for killing Ruth Bader Ginsburg and who recently took credit for healing a kid’s pelvis by laying his hands on the youth’s groin, now says Christians who criticize President Trump are violating the ways of the Lord when they try to undermine a President who has been chosen by God.
Well, I suppose that all depends on whether or not you believe Vladimir Putin is God. Now, I’m sure some skeptics are gonna conclude that “if God’s in the business of picking US Presidents, then God must have also picked Barack Obama.
Of course, as I’m sure any good Trump supporter will quickly tell you - it’s not the same at all, in that Barack Obama was chosen by Allah, not God.
Oddly enough, Pastor Henderson claims all of these issues are ultimately decided up in the “the courts of heaven.” Now, my question is, why would heaven even have courts? I mean, do they have a lot of crime up there?
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