Lame Duck Trump Unleashes a Tsunami of 20 Pardons: As the clock quickly runs out on his presidency, President Trump is responding by unleashing a flurry of pardons, including four Blackwater mercenaries who were convicted of murdering 14 innocent and unarmed Iraqis, two border patrol agents who shot an unarmed immigrant, and a Florida nursing home mogul, who perpetrated a billion-dollar Medicare fraud - the largest in US history. Not quite finished there, Trump then pardoned three former Republican members of Congress as well as two people convicted of crimes related to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Gee whiz, and to think I just assumed Trump was finished with all this pardoning stuff after the Thanksgiving turkey. Silly me! And that, my friends, is simply Act 1 in the “dial-a-pardon” portion of our interregnum. So, hang on tight folks, because the next three weeks promise to be a helluva ride!
Now, Republicans will claim the President is simply showing compassion. Well, what a shame some of that compassion for assassins and thieves, doesn’t carry over to the millions of unemployed, or the families of all the Americans who’ve died and are still dying of this deadly disease.
Of course, as we all know, compassion isn’t an item of which Republicans traditionally are well stocked up on, so when they do occasionally dish some out, it has to be quite sparingly. And for that, they prefer the “trickle-down” method. The thing is, I don’t care how bad things get, I don’t want ANYONE to “trickle-down on me.
Anyway, now that he’s pardoned the Blackwater assassins, then I suppose folks like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bernie Madoff and can’t be too far down the list. And, while he’s on a roll, I’m pretty sure there might even be a few Manson Family members still alive.
Not that Trump’ll ever face political consequences for these pardons. Hell, he could pardon satan himself and his loyal evangelicals wouldn’t care, just as long as he continues promoting their tax-free, mask-free lifestyles. And frankly, most Americans don’t care what he promotes, they just want his big ass out of the White House - and into the outhouse.
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