Pat Robertson Tells Trump to Accept Biden’s Win and Move On: Televangelist Pat Robertson, one of President Trump’s staunchest backers, on Monday described Trump as “very erratic” and “living in an alternate reality.” Robertson then called on the President to accept that Joe Biden had won the election, adding that Trump should also not consider running again in 2024.
Now, wait a minute! Are you telling me that the Pat Robertson actually told Donald Trump that Joe Biden won and it’s time to move on? Holy Mackerel, is it just my imagination, or did hell just freeze over? My word, Pat Robertson is now part of the Deep State.
Good grief, now I’m really confused! As we all know, only an idiot would ever believe anything Pat Robertson says - and now he says “Trump lost?” Could that possibly mean that actually Trump won? I mean, just when we all thought 2020 couldn't get more bizarre - Pat Robertson has a lucid moment.
All I can say is, when a guy who predicted the end of the world multiple times, claimed Hurricane Katrina was God's wrath over abortion, and blamed the coronavirus on same-sex marriage - says you're living in an "alternate reality,” you should probably listen. After all, the man practically invented “alternate reality.”
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