Trump Demands Georgia Sec of State Find 11,800 Votes for Him: Rather than denounce President Trump's demand that the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger find 11,800 votes for him, many Republicans are instead only outraged that the call was recorded, including Georgia Republican Party chair David Shafer and former Rep. Kelli Ward (R-AZ), who is currently the Arizona chair of the Republican Party. Ward lashed out at Raffensperger on Twitter, claiming "I don’t record my calls with the President of the United States. It’s humbling to have the opportunity to speak with the leader of the free world. Betraying the trust of the honor of those conversations is abominable.”
Really? She’s seriously “honored" to get a call from Donald Trump? Why, I think I’d rather talk “Watchtower” with the Jehovah's Witnesses, who never fail to knock on my door early every Saturday morning, then have a conversation with Donald Trump. But, that’s just me.
So, let me get this straight, Trump is recorded committing a crime, and all the Republicans are upset about is that someone recorded it? “How dare you catch him red-handed! Why I never!” Why to hear Republicans tell it, all Trump asked was “Hey Brad, you don’t happen to have a spare 11,800 votes laying around do ya? I’m asking for a friend.”
That said, I fully understand how they must feel about secret recordings. Why, Republicans haven’t felt comfortable about being recorded, since the Nixon days. All I can say is, I hope this scandal doesn’t further delay those shiny new healthcare and infrastructure plans Trump’s been promising us. After all, time’s running out and we’ve been waiting four years now.
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