Trump Discussing Forming New Right-Wing Political Party: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that outgoing President Donald Trump has been in serious discussions of late with aides and others close to him, about the possibility of taking all his supporters and forming a new right-wing “Patriot Party,” to compete with the GOP.
So, they’re gonna call their new party the “Patriot Party?” Well, one thing’s for sure, no one knows how to place the “riot” in the word “Patriot,” quite like Donald Trump does. And, for those who are too lazy to pronounce the entire “Patriot Party” name, they could just call it the “PeePee” party for short.
Anyway, is it just me, or does it seem as if Trump’s been doing just about everything he possibly can to tear what’s left of the Republican Party completely to shreds? Which, as far as I’m concerned, is about the only good thing he’s done since he was elected.
Now, getting back to the parties - the Democrats have the donkey, the Republicans have the elephant, and Teddy Roosevelt had the “Bull Moose Party.” Hey, wait a minute - that’s an idea! How about calling it the “Bull S**t Party?” Why, they could use a “Genital Herpes” graphic as their mascot. Frankly, it’s kind of a shame the “No Nothing Party” has already been used.
Anyway, word has it the party headquarters will be located in beautiful Mar-a-Lago, which they’ll rename “Trumplandia.” That is, at least until the place goes into foreclosure - at which time, I suspect, would be about the time they decide to start serving some of that refreshing “grape Kool-Aid.”
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