Pastor Claims Biden White House Being Run By the Devil: Conservative evangelical Pastor, anti-gay exorcist, and former Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt, a man who once described transgender people as evildoers who are "full of the devil," is now claiming that Democrats inside the White House are full of the “Devil’s will.” Klingenschmitt added that Joe Biden is now promoting little boys going into little girls’ locker rooms - which is precisely why God wanted Donald Trump to be reelected.
Now, what I don’t understand is, why doesn’t God ever seem to speak out on important issues like this for Himself, rather than always relying on folks who are showing clear signs of mental illness to do it for Him?
Then I remembered, God is an extremely busy deity, what with running the whole universe and all, so He doesn’t really have all that much extra time needed to harass the Earth’s LGBTQ community. So, that’s why he deputized Donald Trump, the evangelicals, and the Republican Party to do it for him.
Hell, I guess that explains why God supported Trump in the last election. Even so, I do have to say Pastor Klingenschmitt and I definitely have different ideas about his “Devil in the White House” theory, because my understanding is that the Devil reluctantly vacated the White House January 20, 2021 - then flew on down to Florida.
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