Pastor Robert Jeffress Says You’ll Work in Heaven But Without Gov’t Regulations: Trump-loving Pastor Robert Jeffress was a guest on televangelist Jim Bakker’s show recently, and told viewers that “We’re going to have to work in Heaven, but work is a gift from God.” He then added that “There’ll be no government regulations, so we’ll all enjoy work like God intended for us to enjoy it.”
Gee, sounds just wonderful, doesn’t it? Working for eternity, no pay, no work rules or regulations, no breaks, and no vacations - all for the pleasure of Jeffress’ angry God, who in return will demand blind obedience and total adoration at all times - or he'll torture you for eternity. Why, who could pass up a deal like that?
My word, if you’re gonna be treated like that, why not just get a job working over at some Amazon warehouse? Hell, not even Jeff Bezos treats his workers that badly. At least they get two bathroom breaks, even if he does monitor how long it takes them to pee. This place sounds more like a “heavenly sweatshop” to me.
One thing’s for sure, on this job site, if you don’t do exactly as Pastor Jeffress’ God tells you, then you can expect to catch hell - literally! Why, no wonder the devil got thrown out. Hell, he probably tried to unionize the damn joint.
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