Self-Described Prophet and Pastor Warns Critics They Risk Leprosy: After numerous prophecies of his failed to materialize, resulting in various accusations of lies and fraud, self-described “prophet” and right-wing pastor Hank Kunneman of “One Voice Ministries” warned fellow Christians that they "better be very careful" about criticizing "prophets" like him, because "It's a dangerous place, and some of you might get leprosy.”
Wow, leprosy? That’s one helluva threat! Now, while I wasn’t there, my guess is that it all came down something like this - some critic calls out God’s “prophet” Kunneman for his bogus claims, then further challenges him by declaring “You want a piece of me, then come and get it!” Then God gave that critic leprosy - and that “piece of him” just fell right off.
Now, on a personal note, I’ve also been a vocal critic of Kunneman’s ministry for a long time now, and I can happily report that I haven’t come down with “leprosy.” Although, to be completely fair - but I do occasionally find myself suffering from “lethargy,” so there’s that!
Of course, the Christian Bible does claim that Jesus did heal the lepers, but as I’m sure Pastor Kunneman would be quick to point out - “only if their health insurance premiums were completely paid in full and up to date.” After all, let us not forget that in the world of right-wing Christian evangelicals, there are “prophets,” and then there are “profits.”
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