After watching so many patients reject the coronavirus vaccine, Doctor Jason Valentine, a physician at Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health in Mobile, Alabama - a state with the nation’s lowest vaccination rate and a near-record number of hospitalizations - is sending a clear message to his patients - “Don’t come in for medical treatment if you are unvaccinated.”
Oh, come on doctor! How dare you imply these vulgar super spreaders, who deliberately endanger themselves and others through their blatant, willful ignorance - should have to face consequences for their actions? I mean, show a little empathy for these MAGA sycophants. Don’t just send them home empty-handed. Why, I’d at least offer them one of Mike Lindell’s MyPillows to sleep on - and then send them the hell home. Let’s show a little compassion here.
That said, I don’t see why any loyal Trump or QAnon member would have a problem with not being treated. I mean, why trust a bunch of Dr. Fauci’s evil Antifa doctors, when Donald Trump says “one can treat thyself” with Hydroxychloroquine, Clorox injections, and UV light therapy? Besides, who needs a Dr. Valentine, when you’ve got Dr. Trump, Dr. Abbott, Dr. DeSantis, and Dr. Tucker Carlson? Or, was that Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard? Sometimes, I get them all confused.
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