A video of an Ohio woman at a recent Trump Michigan rally claiming Space Force will soon overturn the 2020 election has gone viral, but QAnon supporters have actually been promoting this conspiracy for more than a year now. They believe Donald Trump’s “Space Force” watermarked all the ballots and used satellites to monitor the election to capture proof of election fraud in real-time.” Trump supporters also claim Space Force soon plans to unveil 269,000 sealed indictments, which will result in Biden, Obama, and Hillary going to jail for treason, and Trump being restored to power.
Geez, is it just me, or do these folks all appear to have “multiple screws loose,” and no one seems to have brought the right kind of screw drivers to tighten them all back up? Frankly, I’m totally blown away by their prediction that Space Force will soon unveil 269,000 sealed indictments. Not so much because it’s totally bonkers and completely absurd, but because any number larger than the “combined number of their fingers and toes,” is way beyond these folk’s comprehension levels.
All of that aside, I have a theory about why we’re suddenly seeing all these insane “conspiracy theories” of late. You see, it all began when aluminum foil manufacturers got together and decided they could make a helluva lot more money, simply by making the aluminum foil they sell “a lot thinner.” What that means is the tin foil hats these conspiracy theorists depend upon, no longer “offer the protection” they used to. That’s right, those tin foil hats are now basically useless, which means “that old gray matter, she ain’t what she used to be.”
Frankly, I’m beginning to think there’s not enough Thorazine in the entire world to treat all these Trump supporters. Why, any sane person knows that if you’re really serious about overturning the 2020 election, all you really have to do, is simply hop aboard one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX spacecraft, circle the sun in a counterclockwise manner so as to travel back in time to the year 2020, and then just convince everyone who voted for Biden to vote differently. Problem solved!
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