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Alex Jones Dumping Trump for Ron DeSantis in 2024 Presidential Race

InfoWars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has decided to suspend his long-time support for former president Donald Trump, and is now backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 presidential race, whom Jones claims is “way better than Trump.”  Jones explained that “I pigheadedly supported [Trump] a few years ago, even though I disagreed with his Warp Speed” program to develop the COVID vaccine, but he stuck with him because he felt anything would be better than Biden or Hillary.  Jones says he’s now supporting Ron DeSantis because "I can look in his eyes,” adding that “DeSantis is sincere!”

OK, sure - but did you know that if you look directly into Donald Trump’s eyes for long enough, you can actually see the original recipe for Colonel Sanders’ secret sauce - so there’s that!  Even so, it’s no real surprise when a guy like Alex Jones, who makes his living by causing others to suffer pain and misery, could “look into Ron DeSantis’ eyes,” and really like what he sees!

Whether it’s his attacks on immigrants, his disdain for the LGBTQ+ community, his portrayal of teachers as “groomers,” the banning of school books, pushing Christian Nationalism into schools, his war on Disney for being “woke,” his refusal to follow the CDC’s COVID guidelines, or categorizing of healthcare professionals as the “enemy.”  I mean, if you’re a Sandy Hook denier, what’s not to like?  Hell, DeSantis is the type of guy who’s lying when he tells you “Good morning.”

And so we have our lovable QAnon conspiracy theorist and grifter now trying to latch onto another “bottom feeder.”  Historically, it’s as if “Goebbels had decided to dump Hitler, for Heinrich Himmler.”  Put another way, “a parasite is abandoning its decaying host, for a healthier body.”  Or, another rat jumps off a sinking ship.  Of course, we all know rats and ships have always had a rather tumultuous relationship, but I digress.  


All that aside, I do get Jones’ logic here.  DeSantis has all the same corrupt motives and blind ambition Trump has - without the “crazy.”  That means, in the long run, DeSantis is far more dangerous.  Why?  Because Trump is simply a self-centered, narcissistic grifter, but DeSantis is sincere - “sincerely fascist.”  A really slick Ivy League lawyer, with a Gestapo mentality.  Isn’t this a little like saying “I’m no longer backing the devil; I’m now backing Satan?”  Well, excuse me, but what the hell’s the difference? 

The fact is, the more astute MAGAs are beginning to realize that with all his legal problems, it’ll be difficult for Trump to win in 2024.  But, with DeSantis, they can still get their “fill of fascism,” without the crazy.  How will Donald Trump take this obvious betrayal of a former ally?”  Well, there is no reason to suspect he’d respond any differently than he normally responds in these situations, with all the grace and dignity you’d expect - of an angry, rabid, bipolar Komodo Dragon on crack.

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