Trump Proposes Cutting 248 Meteorologists from Tornado Alley: President Trump is proposing gutting the National Weather Service in an area of the country that depends on forecasters and meteorologists to protect them from extreme weather events such as tornados. On a positive note, the President promised that should a horrific storm manage to sneak up on them without warning - rendering massive devastation and death to the area, he’ll ask the rest of the country to send lots of “thoughts and prayers” their way.
Study Finds Milky Way Galaxy Will Not Be Eaten By Andromeda: Scientists say new research is showing that our own Milky Way galaxy will not be eaten by our closest neighbor galaxy Andromeda as was previously thought. A NASA spokesperson said our tests indicate the Andromeda galaxy is most likely lactose intolerant, so consuming a Milky Way galaxy would not be a smart food choice for our neighbor Andromeda.
Musk's Tesla Will Stay in Space for Millions of Years: Analysis by Czech and Canadian researchers determined that the Tesla roadster Elon Musk launched into space is likely to stay there for tens of millions of years before finally crashing into either Earth or Venus. Automotive experts are quick to caution anyone hoping to snag themselves a cheap Tesla at that time - that the warranty and any price incentives will most likely have long run out on the vehicle by then.
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