US Education Secretary Says Schools Have Option to Arm Teachers: In response to the recent Florida high school shooting, US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told reporters that “schools do have the option of arming teachers.”
Interesting idea, especially when you consider most US schools don’t even have adequate funding to purchase pencils, paper or text books, but I guess there’s always plenty of money around when it comes to buying guns.
My question is, why stop with just arming the teachers? After all, let’s not forget that about the only thing that can stop a “bad guy” with a gun - is a “good teenager” with a loaded gun. So my suggestion is, let’s arm every school child in America with an AR15 semi-automatic rifle - but of course, for the sake of safety, only after they’ve acquired sufficient strength to allow them to pull the trigger.
As for training the kids to use these lethal weapons - how about forgoing those worthless civics classes and have them watch violent video games or perhaps Quentin Tarantino movies instead? That ought to teach them just about everything they’ll ever need to know about gun safety.
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