Calif Judge Rules Coffee Must Have Cancer Warning Labels: A California judge has ruled that coffee companies such as Starbucks must now put warning labels on their products because the state of California has determined that coffee has chemicals in it which have been linked to cancer.
In response to the ruling, California health officials say they will soon propose legislation requiring companies sending their employees off on a coffee break, to now refer to those breaks as a “cancer breaks.” This ruling will especially apply to employees who also enjoy a cigarette along with their coffee while sitting in break rooms which have asbestos insulation.
Meanwhile, Starbucks countered that the original study only found that coffee caused cancer in laboratory rats, and claims that its always been their policy not to sell coffee to rats - not out of any deep-seeded prejudice against rodents, but for the rat’s own protection. In fact, during court hearings on the issue, state officials had to admit under cross-examination that they’ve never encountered a rat with a valid Starbucks coffee card.
And because coffee is such a popular beverage in California, health officials are advising residents that if you must drink coffee, for heaven’s sake - play it safe and only drink coffee when you’re in states where there are no cancer warnings.
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