Romanian Court Informs Man He’s Legally Dead: A 63-year-old Romanian man asked the court in the town of Barlad to overturn a death certificate obtained by his wife after he had spent the last two decades in Turkey, completely out of contact with his family - but the court instead ruled him he was too late and would have to remain officially deceased.
Good grief - as if poor Romania didn’t have enough image problems - what with Dracula and all the vampires, now they’ve got to deal with the undead rising too? I’m half afraid to ask if he’s a “Born Again Christian.” And while I’m obviously no legal expert, I think the court is dead wrong on this issue. I mean, is it gonna kill them to change their ruling and give the poor man a break? After all, this isn’t exactly a life and death issue - and the poor man has become merely a shadow of the man he used to be - at least legally.
Now if this were me, the first thing I’d do is find myself a gig endorsing one of those fly-by-night health products. "This man is legally dead, but after only one treatment from our clinically-tested concoction, he is back among the living and once again - enjoying life.” Hell, I say its time to run up a bunch of bills, write bad checks, forget to pay your taxes and double park in front in front of the local Transylvania Starbucks - and when they try to collect, just refer them to your estate. After all, you’re dead - and life is good.
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