Bill Gates Warns of Pandemic That Could Harm 33 Million: Bill Gates says the U.S. and other world governments are falling short in preparing the world population for the “significant probability of a large modern-day pandemic occurring in our lifetimes.” Gates went on to add that if we don’t contain this treat now, its quite possible the majority of computers worldwide could be using the Mac Operating System instead of Windows in just a few short years.
Scientists Can Now Keep Pig’s Brain Alive Outside Its Body: A team of scientists recently revealed they were able to keep the brain of a pig alive outside of its body for 36 hours after it had been decapitated. I kind of feel sorry for the brain, because when you’re attached to a piece of equipment like that - its hard to get a head in life. Always the optimist, the pig’s brain told friends - “don’t worry, I’ll be bacon my feet in no time.”
Golden State Killer Case Has Implications for Genetic Privacy: The recent arrest of the Golden State Killer, where investigators used the open-source genetic database GEDmatch to explore family trees and see whether any contained matches to DNA samples from the crime scenes, is raising questions about how our genetic information is being used and who has access to it. One thing’s for sure, companies specializing in genetic code research are sure gonna lose a large percentage of their serial killer market.
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