Green-Haired Turtle that Breathes Through Genitals Added to Endangered List: The Mary River turtle of Queensland, Australia, which breaths through its genitals and sports a punky green Mohican hairdo, has been placed on a new list of the most vulnerable reptile species on the planet. Now, of course, we’ve all known people who talk out of their ass, but come on - breathing through your genitals is quite a feat.
Study Finds Flat Earth Believers Tend to Be Young: A new survey found that 34 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds entertain some doubts about whether the Earth is actually round. Good grief, sounds like we flat out need to see that these millennials get a more well-rounded education.
Huge-Nosed Dinosaur Found in Utah: Paleontologists have discovered a new dinosaur which had a humongous nose that lived 76-million years ago in what is now Utah. Ironically, if that dinosaur were to come back to life today, he’d likely find not a whole helluva lot has changed in Utah over the last 76 million years.
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