NRA to Ban Firearms When Pence Speaks at Their Meeting: Parkland students and others are crying hypocrisy after the National Rifle Association (NRA) - who’s working motto has always been we need more “good guys” with guns around - has decided there should be no firearms allowed when Vice President Pence speaks at its annual meeting.
Wow, it almost sounds as if - unlike Parkland students, the NRA believes Mike Pence deserves to have himself a “safe space.” But all kidding aside, I understand where the NRA coming from on this one. I mean, suppose some fully-armed, NRA quick-draw buckaroo decides the Vice President sounded just a wee bit too liberal on some issue, and then God proceeds to tell this buckaroo that its his duty to take Pence out in order to preserve the “American Way of Life.” That could be a bit embarrassing for the NRA.
Anyway, no matter how much the libs mock this decision, the simple truth is the NRA really does believe the lives of our kids matter too - just not as much as Mike Pence’s. See - it all comes down to the numbers - the world is full of kids, but we only have one Vice President Mike Pence - do the math.
Of course, someone around Pence will need to be armed. I mean, suppose some pesky female (other than his wife) attempts to have an unchaperoned lunch with him? Imagine the horrors! Anyway, I believe I have a very simple solution for this whole mess. Instead of banning all guns from the event and therefore depriving loyal NRA members of the cherished 2nd Amendment rights, just bring in armed teachers to protect Pence. Hard to imagine how a place could get any safer than that.
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