Crime Suspect Wins Police-Sponsored Doughnut-Eating Contest: Officers say a man who won an anti-crime, police-sponsored doughnut-eating contest in North Carolina was arrested the following day after police realized he had been wanted in two suspected break-ins. Police say when the suspect was arrested, he had quite a lot of dough on him and his eyes were totally glazed-over - not to mention that there was a pretty big hole in his alibi.
Vogue Promises to Phase Out Skinny Models: Vogue magazine, perhaps the world's top arbiter of style, has vowed to no longer use models who are too young or too thin. Smart move from a marketing standpoint - because nothing sells clothes quite like fat, old people.
Gene For Forgetting Bad Memories Identified: Scientists say they have identified a gene that plays a critical role in memory extinction, the process by which old memories are replaced by new ones, which could lead to new treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder. Yea, well some of us still prefer to purge our bad memories the old-fashioned way - with Jack Daniels and water.
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