Sessions Cites The Bible To Justify Immigrant Family Separations: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders both cited the Bible to explain why the Trump administration has launched a policy of separating children from their immigrant parents seeking entry into the United States. Gee, perhaps someone ought to remind Sessions and the Republicans that these children they’re throwing into “tent cities” - used to be fetuses?
Law Banning Upskirting Fails After Lawmakers Vetos: A bill that would make it a criminal offense in the U.K. to take "upskirting" photos has been blocked by a single conservative of Parliament - even though the bill has the approval of the government and “upskirting” is already a crime in Scotland. Well, they wear kilts in Scotland, so I guess it becomes more of a priority.
Serial Killer’s Death Blamed on Bathroom Cleanser: An attorney for imprisoned accused serial killer said his client died after swallowing the bathroom cleanser Ajax. I don’t believe he really wanted to kill himself with the cleanser. I think he was just trying to “come clean.”
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