Trump Withdraws From G-7 Communique Over Trudeau Statements: In response to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's comment following the summit that Canada "would not be pushed around,” President Trump tweeted that he has instructed U. S. representatives to not endorse the joint communique issued by the G-7 leaders.
So if I’m understanding all this correctly, in Trump’s America - Russia, North Korea and Duterte are our friends and Canada, Western Europe and Mexico are our enemies? Of course, Trump will still need to reassure his loyal followers that his insane trade policies won't increase the cost of making meth.
Well, it’s beginning to sound like we as a nation are at the point where we really only have one clear choice - and that is nuke the hell out of the Ontario portion of Niagara Falls. I mean, come on - the way thing’s are headed, the future Trump Presidential Library could easily be able to serve double-duty as a "fun house” in the off season if that ever became necessary. Good grief, if I ever started acting this erratically, my family would have organized an intervention by now.
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