Mueller Probe Reaches Into Trump’s Business Interests: With the subpoena of the Trump organization’s chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, federal investigators appear to be increasingly delving into the president’s personal business interests - an area where Trump has repeatedly said he will “draw a red line in the sand.”
One thing’s for sure, drawing a “red line” shouldn’t be all that difficult for anyone in the Trump organization - given their familiarity with using “red ink.” Ironically, its really beginning to look like that “red line” may one day turn into an orange jump suit, but I digress. Can we say money laundering people?
And to think much of these festivities are taking place because Vlad thought it might be a real hoot to see if he could actually install a bankrupt, con man, grifter family into the White House. Now my guess is that a detailed look into Trump’s finances will reveal his actual net worth to be in the neighborhood of around 500 to 600 bucks - and most of that derived from a stolen credit card.
Is it just me, or does this case just seems to be growing bigglier & bigglier all the time? My word, this is turning out to be best episode of The Apprentice - EVER! And, unlike the poor immigrant families Trump is splitting up at the border - many of Trump’s family will likely go to jail with him. Talk about family values!
And - if that isn’t exciting enough, we all know how much the Donald loves those ratings. I think its a pretty safe bet to assume he’ll garner the largest audience ever recorded for anything when it finally comes time for his sentencing!
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