Zurich to Open Prostitution Drive-Throughs: The Swiss city of Zurich has approved a measure that will open prostitution “drive-throughs” in the city, where customers can place their orders for one of 40 prostitutes and then have sex with them in a wooden booth. Now I have no idea what they’re gonna call these “drive-throughs,” but I think “Jack in the Box” or “In-N-Out” seems to be a pretty good fit.
Top Cancer Scientist Loses Funding After Bullying Claims: One of Britain’s leading genetic cancer scientists has had £3.5m in grant money revoked after allegations of bullying by 45 current and former colleagues. In related news, rumor has it that officials are about to investigate bullying in Parkinson’s research also. You can bet that has a lot of people shaking in their shoes.
Japan Urging Citizens to Stockpile Toilet Paper: After recent disasters such as earthquakes and tidal waves, the Japanese government has launched a new campaign - asking citizens to be sure to stockpile toilet paper in the event of another emergency. Excellent plan! That way, people will be ready the next time the Fukushima hits the fan.
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