Elon Musk and SpaceX Reveal First Private Moon Tourist: SpaceX has just announced that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will be the world’s first private passenger to fly around the Moon, paying an estimated $35 million to travel aboard a BFR launch vehicle in 2023 - which SpaceX feels will mark an important step toward enabling access for “everyday people” who dream of traveling into space.
Gee, I don’t wanna sound cynical, but I think the economy may have to pick up quite a bit before very many “everyday people” will be able slam together the $35 million to make that flight. Hell, I’d be happy just to be able to afford gas to drive down to San Diego once in a while.
On a positive note, at least these tourist flights won’t disturb anyone living on the moon, because - as far as I know, there’s only one permanent resident up there - and that’s of course the “Man on the Moon.” No telling how he feels about all this.
And while I’m no rocket scientist, my guess is obtaining water should be no problem, because - as everyone knows, they’ve got the “Moon River” up there, which Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer claim is “wider than a mile.” And while SpaceX will probably never fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars - I did fly into Cleveland a couple of years ago. Hell, the way I see it, that oughta count for something.
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