Pimples Are Now In and Becoming the Latest Craze: Celebrities and bloggers are going bare-faced on social media as more of the trendy folks are joining the acne positivity movement and Teen Vogue has even launched the inaugural Acne awards. Its about time! I knew all this acne stuff would eventually come to a head. If someone doesn’t like your pimples, just put the squeeze on them! But whatever you do, don’t let them get under your skin! Now, if we can somehow just get a toenail fungus positivity movement going - I believe we’ll pretty much have it all covered.
Genetic Skin Graft Helps Mice Kick Cocaine Habit: A new treatment using CRISPR and a genetically engineered skin graft, is helping reduce cocaine cravings in mice, giving researchers hope we are on the verge of finding a cure for addiction. While there’s no question we need to treat cocaine addiction in mice - no one wants to see mice ruin their lives, but how a little research geared toward treating cockatoos with Tourette’s Syndrome? Or is that too frigg’n much to ask?
Bacteria Programed to Act Like a Computer: In what could completely change the nature of computing, scientists at UC San Francisco have programed bacteria to act and perform exactly like computers. Of course on the downside, you’ll need to go on antibiotics regiment every time you wanna use your computer.
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