Police Arrest Man for Groping Fast-Food Worker: Police in central Pennsylvania say they found a suspected groper of a fast-food worker by following a trail of the curly fries he left behind. When confronted by police, the man claimed he was just only trying to get a good feel for the service there.
Scientists Attempt Picture of Black Hole: Scientists at a University of Arizona are working on plans to snap a first-ever picture of the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. And as a cost saver, given that they’re photographing a “black hole” - I guess there’s no point wasting extra money on color film.
New Study Confirms Aging Shrinks Us: New research is confirming the assumption that most people shrink as they get older, with men getting about an inch shorter and women getting about two inches shorter between the ages of 30 to 70. Sadly, for many guys - height doesn’t appear to be the only place where they seem to lose inches.
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