Pulp Free Orange Juice Issues: Bought a carton of orange juice that claimed the juice was "pulp free." When I poured the juice into a glass, pulp came out just as always. I'm thinking what the hell is this, pulp fiction?
Study Finds Cats Are Sleepiest Mammals: New research shows that cats are the sleepiest mammals spending up to 16 hours a day sleeping, which means that a 7-year-old cat has really only been awake for 2 years. No kidding! My cat happens to be a charter member of the National Association of Pussycats - also known as “NAP.”
Insomnia Linked With Early Death In Men: Researchers are finding that older men who have insomnia symptoms -- such as problems falling asleep or staying asleep -- have an increased risk of dying from heart-related issues over a six-year period. That said, researchers insist that even with the increased risk of death, its nothing to lose sleep over.
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