Divorce Rates Higher When Men Do Household Chores: A new study out of Norway found that divorce rates are far higher when men help with the housework and much lower when women do all the chores. So guys, the next time your wife tells you to take out the trash - ask her if that means she wants a divorce.
New Study Looks at Married Women and Sex: A new study found that while most married women say they still value sex, two thirds say they would much rather be doing something else such as going to the spa, watching a movie, using Facebook or just chatting with friends. Wait a minute - men enjoy all those activities also - just as long as they’re gonna lead up to sex.
Americans Throw Away a Pound of Food Every Day: It’s been determined that Americans waste or throw out a pound of food a day on average. Oh really - because with US obesity rates running upwards of 40%, it sounds more like we’ve been throwing food down a lot more than throwing food out.
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