Trump to Deploy 5200 More Troops to the Mexican Border: The Pentagon and Homeland Security announced that President Trump has ordered another 5,200 active duty soldiers, military helicopters and giant spools of razor wire to the Mexican border to bolster the 2,000 National Guard troops already there to curtail what the President is referring to as an “invasion."
And the good news is - Mexico is going to pay for it all. Imagine that! All we’ll need to do is simply fax the bill down to them and they’ll just reimburse us for everything at a later, unspecified date. You know, the check is in the e-mail. By the way, how’s that wall coming along anyway? Anyone heard?
But it’s a good thing the President is getting Mexico to pay for all this, because after all - it ain’t cheap sending all those heavily armed troops and equipment to face down all those unarmed, starving, exhausted women and children seeking refuge from crime, sexual assault, political repression and poverty - hoping to come here for a better chance at life.
Now I realize there will be those skeptics who are gonna argue that the President is a real master at using cheap, fear-mongering, pre-election theatrics - designed to stoke the fears of his knuckle dragging base of half-wits and stirring up their apprehensions about “peasant hordes storming the gates.” This, of course, will be accompanied by renewed calls by the Trump Administration to "let them eat cake.”
That said, it’s too bad Republicans don’t like to read all that much - because I don’t believe this tactic worked out all that well for Marie Antoinette. Anyway, all this aside and on a positive note, it sure does look like the President will be getting his fancy military parade after all.
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