Chinese Scientist Uses Crispr to Make First Genetically Edited Babies: In what is being described as both a profound leap of science and ethics, a scientist in China announced that he had created the world’s first genetically edited babies, altering a gene in the embryos that would make the babies resistant to HIV infection. Of course, everyone will complain like crazy about the ethics of this technology - at least until their favorite NBA team sends their newly recruited 8’9” center out on the court.
MIT Scientists Create A Plane That Flies With No Moving Parts: Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) have created a plane with an ion drive that flies - even though it has no moving parts whatsoever. Hell, what’s the big deal about that? I mean, as far I could tell - every time I had sex with my ex, she had absolutely no moving parts either.
New Theory Claims Volcanoes in India Killed Dinosaurs: According to a new theory, the dinosaurs didn’t actually go extinct because of an asteroid, but by volcanic activity in what is now modern-day India. Geologists went on to add that apparently, the only things in the area that survived the massive cataclysm were all the call centers.
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