Ivanka Trump Used Personal E-Mail for Government Business: In violation of federal rules, records show Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of government business e-mails last year to Cabinet officials, White House aides and her assistants - using a personal e-mail account.
Wow, then can it be very long before Trump supporters start chanting “lock her up!” - and Republicans in Congress demand an investigation into Ivanka’s e-mails? Somehow, I suspect it will.
Now can anyone say “double standard?” In my mind, about the only thing worse than a hypocrite - is a whole family of them. I’m looking at you - Trumps!
Of course, none of this will have any effect on the Trump faithful. I mean, Trump could tell those folks that “dingoes make great babysitters” and the next thing you know, all the Trump supporters would start paging through their trusty “Yellow Pages,” to try and see if they could hire one for Saturday night date night.
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