Trump Ridiculed for Telling Californians to Rake Forests: Donald Trump’s weekend visit to fire-ravaged California has prompted a withering barrage of ridicule and anger after he suggested the state should copy Finland and rake forest floors to prevent a repeat of wildfires that have killed at least 76 people.
Wow, that really has a ring to it - “Make America Rake Again!” Thanks so much for the advice Mr President. Gee, there’s only 33-million acres of forest in California. We’ll get right on it.
And while some may complain that Trump has never held a rake in his life, I think most people can agree he has been busy “raking in the dough” from sleazy hustles like Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka and money laundering scams disguised as real estate ventures - the list goes on and on. Besides, even if he’s never held an actual rake, he has held lots of golf clubs - that ought to count for something.
Anyway, my suggestion is, while we’re busy trying to emulate Finland's supposed forest raking habits, perhaps we should consider copying some other ideas from Finland and other Scandinavian countries while we’re at it - like properly funding education, green energy and health care. Just a thought.
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