Trump Names Mick Mulvaney Acting Chief of Staff: President Trump has named budget director Mick Mulvaney as his acting White House chief of staff, capping off a week of frenzied speculation about who would take over from John Kelly in this key West Wing role.
Geez, what happened? They must have had a staff meeting and someone yelled “hey - last one out the door is Chief of Staff!” Got to admit though, I’m a bit surprised about Mick Mulvaney - I thought someone like Gary Busey, Sarah Palin or Roseanne Barr made a lot more sense for an administration with the type of internal structure Trump has set up.
Anyway, the White House is now claiming that Mulvaney was actually Trump’s first choice for the position. Yea, his first choice - right after the 215 other people who turned down the job just before him. And when asked if he had expected to be offered the job, Chris Christie told reporters “look, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” And we all know Christie knows about crossing bridges,
All I know is, before I’d take a job trying to manage Donald Trump’s affairs, I’d be damn sure my office was equipped with a well-stocked liquor cabinet. Hell, if I were advising Mick Mulvaney, I’d tell him about the smartest thing anyone can do before going to work for this administration is establish a GoFundMe page to cover all your future legal expenses.
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