Tucker Carlson Doubles Down on Controversial Immigration Comments: Tucker Carlson says he “will not be intimidated” and is standing behind his inflammatory comments about immigrants “making our country poorer, dirtier and more divided” - even as the number of corporations who’ve stopped advertising on his show continues to rise.
You know, I admit that I have to agree with Trucker that there’s definitely something that’s making America “dirtier and more divided,” but it certainly isn't immigrants - it’s all the weasels over at Fox News.
So immigrants are dividing us? Gee, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that most Americans would have much more in common with “those immigrants” - then they would with the half-witted, racist, toothless meth-heads who tune in to absorb the rants of vile white nationalists like Tucker.
Of course, in his defense - I think it’s entirely possible that pudgy, pampered little Tucker is simply just feeling his oats now that all those checks coming in from Putin and the Russians mean his wealthy, domineering stepmom can no longer force him to wear all those silly little bow ties anymore.
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