Abigail Disney Calls Bob Iger’s $65 Million Compensation Insane: In public comments, Disney co-founder Roy Disney’s filmmaker, activist and philanthropist granddaughter Abigail Disney has been describing Disney Chairman-CEO Bob Iger’s $65 million compensation package as completely “insane.”
Now I’m not certain the term “insane” is the correct word to use. After all, just because Disney's pay is so low that nearly 11% of their employees are classified as homeless, three-quarters say they don't earn enough to cover their basic expenses and another 56% report concerns about getting evicted from their apartments - doesn’t make Bob Iger’s $65 million compensation package “insane.” I was thinking “criminal” might be a much better term to use.
And while Disneyland is known to all as the “Magic Kingdom,” I believe their true “magic” has to be their ability to pay so many employees sub-poverty wages, while somehow managing to convince the general public to pay upwards of $135 per ticket for the privilege of standing in line in the hot sun for nearly an hour, just to get on a ride that lasts about 3 minutes. Now that’s what I call some serious magic - maybe even voodoo.
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