Trump Directs Attorney General Barr to Look Into Locking Up Democrats: During a recent and rather bazaar rally in Pennsylvania, President Trump expressed anger at Fox News for inviting too many Democrats on their channel, joked about remaining in office for five full terms and even promised to have Attorney General Barr look into locking up Democrats for investigating him.
Now, if memory serves me correctly, this isn’t the first time President Trump has “joked” about what would essentially amount to him being appointed “President for Life.” Why, if one didn’t know better, they might think he’s testing the waters. Letting us get comfortable with the idea.
Not to mention that a President of the United States is now actually asking his Attorney General to look into “locking up Democrats?” Gee, what kind of national leaders lock up their political opponents? Oh yea, its dictators, military juntas and third world despots. Funny thing is, about the only people getting locked up these days - all seem to have been working for the Trump organization.
Now, in his defense, I understand why Mr Trump would wanna lock up his political opponents. He wants to save money. After all, elections here in the US can get awfully expensive - just ask the Russians. Why, that’s all money that should rightfully be getting funneled into financing Trump apartment buildings.
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