Trump’s Golfing Costs Taxpayers $102 Million And Counting: A new report indicates Donald Trump’s golfing habits have already cost taxpayers $102 million - and next month he’s scheduled to run up a whopping seven-figure presidential visit to Ireland, just so he can play at his own personal golf course there.
Is it just me, or is does it seem a little odd we’ve spent more on Donald Trump’s golfing excursions in the past two years than most top pro golfers will ever make in their entire careers? Not to mention that most of Trump’s golfing is at Trump golf courses, with everyone in his entourage staying in Trump hotels - so most of the money spent - ends up in Trump pockets. Gee, sounds like a pretty good gig - if you can it.
So let’s see, we taxpayers have spent $102 million so far on Trump’s golfing, which is roughly 255 times the annual Presidential salary Trump volunteered not to take - and three times the cost of Robert Mueller’s investigation - a cost Trump endlessly complains about. And that’s just for Trump’s golfing. It doesn’t even include all those pep rallies he’s been holding - which began just months after he took office.
Of course, what the hell does Trump care how much it all costs? He doesn’t pay any taxes. Besides, he can always get some of that money back by making even deeper cuts to programs like the Special Olympics, Medicare and Social Security. You know - those damn “entitlement programs.” I mean, why waste a bunch of money on freeloaders?
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