Mayor Wants Socialists, LGBTQ and Abortion Rights Activists Killed: Amid calls for his resignation, the Republican mayor of Carbon Hill, Alabama has been forced to apologize to people who "took offense" when he suggested in a Facebook post that gay people, abortion campaigners, socialists and minority groups would need to be killed off in the next “American revolution.”
Well, I don’t know much about the next American revolution, but I do know it sure looks like the organizers for Boston’s next “Straight Pride” parade, have just found themselves a new “Grand Marshal.”
Now, if your first reaction to reading this article was “good grief, this place has to be somewhere deep inside Mississippi” - well, rest assured - you weren’t far off. My question is, are you sure it’s too late to reconsider allowing the Deep South to secede from the Union?
And, for those of you who are still trying to figure out the difference between radical, fanatical, fundamentalist Christians and radical, fanatical, fundamentalist Muslims - the answer actually turns out to be “not much!”
Anyway, let me get this straight - so we have people who are labeling themselves as “right to life,” yet advocating killing everyone with whom they disagree? All I can say is, welcome to Donald Trump’s “brave new world!”
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